Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a weekend!

Whoooaaa, baby girl, you must be exhausted after such a busy weekend (I know I am).  Friday night Ryan and I went to a Halloween party with the gang.  After some last minute costume scrambling, I went as the "B" girl (who faked being attacked by an Obama supporter) and Ryan went as me.  Should I be offended that he wore one of my maternity shirts and actually fit into it?  Hmmm, maybe I'll put the Halloween candy down now.

Today we spent about 8 hours putting down new floors in the dining room and family room.  Silvie loves them (and so do we!).

In baby news, this week saw quite a few packages arrive on our doorstep for Hoagie.  She has officially started her stuffed animal collection now (thanks Grantie and Unkie) and is also the proud new owner of Pee and Poo dolls (thanks Jeff and Cari), among many other cool gifts from perpetualkid.

Also, Hoagie has two new cousins (or second cousins or cousins once removed) named Amelia and Josi.  Hooray for Doyle family babies!  Just fyi, Hoagie will be my grandma Doyle's 14th great grandchild.