My Aunt Nancy has graciously volunteered to host a shower for us over Christmas, and seeing as Christmas is only 6 weeks away we decided to get on WITH THE REGISTERING ALREADY! I've been avoiding even thinking about registering or baby stuff or cute little precious baby shoes (like the ones pictured my friend Layne sent us this week), but that all changed this afternoon when Ryan and I spent two hours at Babies"R"Us. We raced strollers, benchpressed car seats, pushed all the buttons on the Pack and Play remote controls, and did some serious sitting in the rocker/glider/swiveler chair department. Ryan made friends in the stroller department with a couple of new moms looking for advice on strollers (like we have any idea what we are talking about). Then we came home and bit the bullet and registered for a crap-load of STUFF. At the beginning of the evening I was a bit more sentimental about it all, but after spending hours reading reviews on nipple salve and rectal thermometers the excitement has turned to fear.
Some of my mania may also be due to the fact that Hoagie's head has been poking me in the side for two days and I can't imagine how she has room to get any bigger. YHHIKES!
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