The second surprise stemmed from checking out the fetal development chart, which looked something like this. Ryan and I had been talking on previous visits about how this chart must be larger than life size because there was no way I was ever going to have any baby inside me that was as big as one on the chart. When Ryan asked the doctor if the chart was life size or on a bigger scale, she said that it was life size and my baby was already bigger (gasp shock wince) than the smallest baby pictured (which by the way was waaayy bigger than my head). I guess I have been actively deluding myself and thinking that my baby was going to be petite baby doll size, which she quite apparently is not (seen my stomach lately?). Apparently she is already over a foot long, which is just her length from crown to rump and doesn't even include her long and powerful legs. And her weight? Over a pound and a half. Holy kajesus, batman, this is getting real.
Ahhhh, my goodness. I don't think I ever looked at images like this when I was pregnant. I'm not sure I could have taken in that kind of information. I'm glad you shared it; I'm glad to know it; now I wish you could just forget it.
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