Last week I started having a lot of trouble getting comfortable in bed, so I bit the bullet and invested in a pregnancy pillow that completely encircles me. Since I brought the pillow home, I have been sleeping soundly and deeply, which you would think would be a welcome change. However, with uninterrupted sleep comes uninterrupted dreaming, and last night I had my first pregnancy nightmare. It all started out fine, and then the baby came walking into our bedroom. She was still an infant, and definitely should not have been walking and talking, but she was, and it was CREEPY. Then she climbed up into my lap and tried to start nursing through my nightshirt. When I looked down to talk to her, I noticed her mouth was full of razor sharp teeth and then she LATCHED ON!!!!! Fortunately I woke up after that , but now instead of freaking the frick out about labor and delivery, I'm freaking out about my child (who looked a little like the Bride of Chucky in the dream) chewing my boobs off. Scary shit, baby girl.

In other news, Hoagie was given her first robot onesie by her auntie Julie yesterday. This is awesome news because the theme of the nursery is going to be robots and monsters blowing up stuff. Sounds dainty, huh.
Finally, your heartbreaking quote of the week, as said by Ryan on Thursday night, "Sally, this little girl is going to be the end of me (said in a gooshy soggy lovey sort of mushy way)."
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