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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
From Belize to this
That's right people, last week we were tanning and now sitting at the door watching snow falling from the sky. It's not often we get snow in Austin and it's great to see.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Some Pics
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
We're off to Belize for a traditional Thanksgiving weekend. Actually, that's not entirely true. We are off to Belize, but it's to enjoy one last vacation before Hoagie arrives. Our swimsuits, SPF lotions and sunglasses are all packed and we'll be sure to share details once we're back. Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hospital Tour....of Terror!
Tonight Ryan and I took the hospital tour where Hoagie is scheduled to be born. The hospital is shiny and new and freshly remodeled, and the tour started off ok, but as soon as we got to the Labor and Delivery floor I immediately StOPPED HaVING FUn. Ryan seemed to enjoy the whole damn thing, but for me it was just one more unpleasant surprise after another. The private L&D rooms were nice enough, with real wood cabinets and windows and doors (I guess that's what all those people were oohing and awwing about, but all I saw were the wires and the sterilized sheets and the "WHAT, not all the rooms have windows? How the hell am I supposed to escape if there are no windows?!?!". I heard people laughing around me and commenting how "nice everything is...ooh, a flatscreen tv, sounds like a party..." WTF? What are all these people thinking? This is a hospital where we are all going to come to have our bodies ripped open and wires and tubes and pokey things protruding from all our orifices. That does NOT sound like a party, it sounds like a medical emergency (WHICH IT IS!). I know Ryan thought he did something wrong during the tour, because as we walked back to the car I could barely manage the energy to spit out my gum, much less laugh at his jokes. Sorry Ry, I do think you're funny, just not when faced with my own mortality.
(Sigh). Hopefullly the hospital-induced panic will wear off by the time I actually have to be admitted there :(
Thursday, November 20, 2008
24 Weeks
Tuesday we went to the doctor for our normal checkup. We got two surprises while we were there, neither of which will stop festering in my already deficient pregnant brain. First off, the doctor "congratulated" me that I'm definitely going to hit that 35 pound mark. Probably within the next couple of weeks. She might as well have said, "Good for you tubbo, now put DOWN THE DONUTS."

The second surprise stemmed from checking out the fetal development chart, which looked something like this. Ryan and I had been talking on previous visits about how this chart must be larger than life size because there was no way I was ever going to have any baby inside me that was as big as one on the chart. When Ryan asked the doctor if the chart was life size or on a bigger scale, she said that it was life size and my baby was already bigger (gasp shock wince) than the smallest baby pictured (which by the way was waaayy bigger than my head). I guess I have been actively deluding myself and thinking that my baby was going to be petite baby doll size, which she quite apparently is not (seen my stomach lately?). Apparently she is already over a foot long, which is just her length from crown to rump and doesn't even include her long and powerful legs. And her weight? Over a pound and a half. Holy kajesus, batman, this is getting real.

The second surprise stemmed from checking out the fetal development chart, which looked something like this. Ryan and I had been talking on previous visits about how this chart must be larger than life size because there was no way I was ever going to have any baby inside me that was as big as one on the chart. When Ryan asked the doctor if the chart was life size or on a bigger scale, she said that it was life size and my baby was already bigger (gasp shock wince) than the smallest baby pictured (which by the way was waaayy bigger than my head). I guess I have been actively deluding myself and thinking that my baby was going to be petite baby doll size, which she quite apparently is not (seen my stomach lately?). Apparently she is already over a foot long, which is just her length from crown to rump and doesn't even include her long and powerful legs. And her weight? Over a pound and a half. Holy kajesus, batman, this is getting real.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
She's Gonna Pop
So we're about 23 1/2 weeks along, which on some days seems like a lot and on other days seems like we're never going to get to the finish line. Here's a pic of what my belly's looking like nowadays.
Next, prepare yourself, because this is what my belly feels like.
Now mind you we did not do any trick photography, this is just what the bump looks like head on. AHHH! As you can see, my belly button is losing the "innie" battle and will soon convert to being an "outie." Sad.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Oh the Stuff!

Some of my mania may also be due to the fact that Hoagie's head has been poking me in the side for two days and I can't imagine how she has room to get any bigger. YHHIKES!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A balance
It might be me, but it seems a popular design solution for a nursery is to throw as much crap in there as possible. Preferably a bunch of stuff that doesn't go together.
We've been thinking/talking about the nursery set up the last week or so and we have some pretty clear cut ideas of what we'd like to do with the room. After looking at other nursery pictures for inspiration, we also know what we do not want in the room. We prefer not to overwhelm the child, nor frighten her before she gets to know us. With that in mind, I have a short list of items you won't see in our nursery.
- 360 degree murals
- Massive fabric letters for spelling
- Glue-gunned accessories
- Clowns
I'm sure I've just offended everyone who's ever designed a nursery.
Just for fun, what design ideas didn't make your nursery list?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Only 4 more months
Last night I had a dream that I could smell her. That I was holding her on my chest and I could smell her baby freshness and see her swirl of yellow hair and her crinkled forehead. I could feel the weight of her on my ribs as I breathed in and out. It was the closest I've come to actually translating this pregnancy into a final, lovely, nommable baby. God, I can't wait.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The name game
I'm not sure if this is a classic pregnancy milestone or not, but last night I felt Hoagie's head. Like through my shirt, next to my belly button, there was suddenly a big, round protruding head. I told our friend Marvin he could feel it, and when he did she jerked and kicked me in my pelvis. Which just reaffirms for me that it was in fact her head that we were feeling. Weird.
Right now we are playing the name game, and though I'm pretty sure we've settled on a first name, we are having ISSUES figuring out and agreeing on a middle name. Though after last night I wouldn't be surprised if her middle name became Hussein. Or Barack. Or Oprah (I just really like Oprah). Any name suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
What a weekend!
Whoooaaa, baby girl, you must be exhausted after such a busy weekend (I know I am). Friday night Ryan and I went to a Halloween party with the gang. After some last minute costume scrambling, I went as the "B" girl (who faked being attacked by an Obama supporter) and Ryan went as me. Should I be offended that he wore one of my maternity shirts and actually fit into it? Hmmm, maybe I'll put the Halloween candy down now.

Also, Hoagie has two new cousins (or second cousins or cousins once removed) named Amelia and Josi. Hooray for Doyle family babies! Just fyi, Hoagie will be my grandma Doyle's 14th great grandchild.
Today we spent about 8 hours putting down new floors in the dining room and family room. Silvie loves them (and so do we!).
In baby news, this week saw quite a few packages arrive on our doorstep for Hoagie. She has officially started her stuffed animal collection now (thanks Grantie and Unkie) and is also the proud new owner of Pee and Poo dolls (thanks Jeff and Cari), among many other cool gifts from perpetualkid.
Also, Hoagie has two new cousins (or second cousins or cousins once removed) named Amelia and Josi. Hooray for Doyle family babies! Just fyi, Hoagie will be my grandma Doyle's 14th great grandchild.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sleep is for the. . . freaked out!
Last week I started having a lot of trouble getting comfortable in bed, so I bit the bullet and invested in a pregnancy pillow that completely encircles me. Since I brought the pillow home, I have been sleeping soundly and deeply, which you would think would be a welcome change. However, with uninterrupted sleep comes uninterrupted dreaming, and last night I had my first pregnancy nightmare. It all started out fine, and then the baby came walking into our bedroom. She was still an infant, and definitely should not have been walking and talking, but she was, and it was CREEPY. Then she climbed up into my lap and tried to start nursing through my nightshirt. When I looked down to talk to her, I noticed her mouth was full of razor sharp teeth and then she LATCHED ON!!!!! Fortunately I woke up after that , but now instead of freaking the frick out about labor and delivery, I'm freaking out about my child (who looked a little like the Bride of Chucky in the dream) chewing my boobs off. Scary shit, baby girl.

In other news, Hoagie was given her first robot onesie by her auntie Julie yesterday. This is awesome news because the theme of the nursery is going to be robots and monsters blowing up stuff. Sounds dainty, huh.
Finally, your heartbreaking quote of the week, as said by Ryan on Thursday night, "Sally, this little girl is going to be the end of me (said in a gooshy soggy lovey sort of mushy way)."
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Let the spoilage begin....
So as most of you have already heard, we got some results at the doctor's office this morning. The baby has a nice looking brain, beautiful full lips, a strong chin, a heart with 4 chambers, two kidneys, 10 fingers and 10 toes, and no external genitalia to speak of. Meaning . . . it's a girl. I've already heard that some of you have names picked out for her, but in the meantime she will remain baby hoagie until Ryan and I can settle on a name (or my hormones can just settle down in general). I didn't expect to feel as I emotional as I do from this news, but I guess it's no surprise (I did cry a little in yoga this morning, but that could have been from the squats). Pictures to follow later.... Kisses!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It's a......
Baby! With very distinct features such as rib bones, feet, and a skull. Hooray!
We visited the doctor today and tried to sneak a peek at the baby, but Hoagie kept his/her legs shut the entire visit. Such modesty! We were able to see Hoagie's adorable little feet, hugenormous umbilical cord, all kinds of bones, and saggy skin (not very much fat yet, but just wait). The doctor said the baby's looking good, and that I'm pretty fortunate to be able to feel the baby's movements so early. She said that was one of the bonuses of being so "twiggy." I guess she hasn't seen my ass lately. I got a flu shot and Ryan got a list of shots he has to get before the baby comes (mawahahaha). For some reason he got pleasure out of seeing the nurse stick my arm with the flu shot and then comment, "maybe I shouldn't have used such a BIG NEEDLE on such a tiny person; that's why you're bleeding so much. Huh." So I'm relishing the thought of my squeamish husband having to go through his own vaccinations (and maybe just a little discomfort).
In other news, I finally started going to yoga again and this time I get to go to the Prenatal classes. Meaning that I get to spend an hour and a half in the same room as 15 other moaning, farting, yummy preggers ladies. Last night the instructor told us we should be doing 200 Kegels a day. Are you kidding? Is that why I keep peeing myself when I sneeze? Up to this point it's been a good day if I get in 15 or 20. Bonjour, pelvic floor, looks like you and I are about to get a lot better acquainted.
Ok, that's all for today. Hopefully Thursday I will have some more news about the baby's sex.
Oh, and I'll get Ryan to post some of today's ultrasounds when he gets home from work.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Busy weekend
Last night was my 30th birthday bash. There were caramel apples, sloppy joes, and some serious pumpkin carving. Thanks to everyone who helped make it a fun and exhausting night.
On the baby front, Hoagie has been kicking and somersaulting all day long. I think she (or he) got pretty excited about our new dishwasher (which is still sitting in the garage but will soon enough make my life so much easier and stainless-steelier). We hit up the Home Depot near our house that is closing and got a wicked deal on it. If only we had a truck, we may have come home with a kitchen full of new appliances.
For those of you waiting patiently or not so patiently for news on the baby's sex, we will probably find out this Thursday and we will be sure to post news and lurid pictures as soon as we can. (As we speak Hoagie is flipping and kicking. I think she likes the feel of her dad's 17" state of the art laptop as opposed to mom's hunk-o-junk.) Here's a pic of my cutie pie pumpkin as well as my sister and brother-in-law's tribute to thug life.

Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Dad here
Hi baby Hoagie. Dad here. From the looks of it, you're settling into your new home quite nicely and that makes me proud. While it's just your first home, I'm proud you're able to take care of daily tasks like stretching, kicking and hiccuping all by yourself. If Mom's belly is any sign, you're adjusting well and growing into your space nicely. Oh, and if you could let us know whether you're a boy or girl next week, we'd really appreciate it. Talk soon, Dad.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Almost 30, almost mom
Dear Baby Hoagie,
It's the night before my 3oth birthday and almost midway through my pregnancy with you. Just wanted to say thanks for the kicks the other night, and I forgive you for not performing acrobatics on demand just to please the in-laws. Also, sorry about your (temporary) name. As happens in a family the size of mine, my story about carrying a 14" hoagie to my sister-in-law's wedding somehow transformed into you being called Baby Hoagie. It doesn't mean we love you any less, and at the moment I do sort of look like I ate a foot long meatball sub. Love you!
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