Thursday, January 15, 2009

Statistical Data

I'm not sure if it is because of my recent cold, my ever-increasing girth, or a combination of the two, but the last week has been full of some really interesting data that I'd like to share with all of you (because I obviously have no shame left).

Number of times I've peed my pants in the last two days: 3
Number of times I've blow-dried my underwear in the last 6 hours: 2
Number of times I've considered sending the husband out for some Depends: 2
Number of times I've left sessions with clients with the mumbled explanation "cough....pee": 2
Number of times I've wondered if silverware can go in the microwave b/c I have no memory of why it shouldn't: 1
Number of shopping trips I've been on wherein I find myself wondering if I normally wear a bra in public: 1
Number of times I've seen my bikini line in the last 2 months: 0 (this counts looking in the mirror, I am officially so large that my belly hangs over the whole damn area)

Ahhhh, ain't life grand.


Mary Ann Doyle said...

Good data collection. Can't wait for the summary of findings . . .

Mary Ann Doyle said...

kitchen floor looks great! hooray! See you Wednesday I hope.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...blow drying the underwear. Good times!