It's been a very exciting month of firsts for The Zo. First bath, first lunch out on the town, first stroller ride, first bottle...heck, it's all firsts! Probably the biggest first this month was meeting the closest members of her extended family. First up was Grandma Maddy and Auntie Julie. They were lucky enough to be there when she arrived, but have needed their weekly fixes, so they've been up to Austin a few times to enjoy all things Zoe. Uncle Rob was able to make a quick visit too, which was excellent.
Next was a full week with Auntie Cari and Auntie Katie. Both Aunts just wanted to hold Zoe all the time and definitely helped out on poop patrol too. Zoe hopes to meet Uncle Jeff very soon and wants to know if he and Aunt Cari will pick something French up for her while they're on vacaction. :)
After the Aunts had their visits, it was time for more grandparents. Grantie Terrye and Grandpa John were here for almost a week. We had a blast just hanging out and both were of great help around the house. Especially with cooking lots of tasty food and helping install major appliances. Unfortunately, all the pictures taken during their visit were lost in a bout with technology. We're hoping to see them soon to make up for the lost pictorial sessions.
Next on the docket was Oompa Paul and Mimi Cathy. Again, they were awesome help around the house and we had a blast.
Finally, Zoe celebrated her first birthday with a visit from Pop Jack. We're so glad his heart is on the mend and he was able to meet his granddaughter, healthy and happy.
We had a great first month and are just amazed with Zoe. She's certainly the coolest person we've ever met. And of course, see more pictures at